Out Of My Comfort Zone – But That’s OK

by Mike Martin

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What made you decide to step up and go on a RetailROI trip?

Super Saturday exchanges and presentations about past trips made me realize how valuable the trip has been to others and might be to me. Relationships in ROI sealed the deal and made this a must do! An experience I will never forget and has altered my “comfort” zone of apathy.

How did this trip affect you?

I was amazed at the work ROI and Lifesong have done – I definitely felt that ROI is the premier driver in progress and funding for Escalon advancement and was humbled by being seen as part of the team that made the multi-purpose and kitchen facility a reality. I did so little and we were all treated like royalty!

What would you say to someone who is thinking about going on a trip but hasn’t “stepped up“ yet?

This will alter your priorities and your reality. In the best sense possible it will help you sort the important from the urgent and help you build stronger relationships that matter and make a difference.

Share one thing you learned while on your trip that has stuck with you?

Every little effort makes a difference, however in the roles and positions most of the ROI team hold we can greatly increase our impacts and influence others to act and to make changes that have HUGE impact!