Financial Transparency

Hi everyone, we hope you are having a terrific week and if you either finishing a holiday week (Canada) or going into one (US), we hope you have a great one.

The last month or so has been heavy on financials, sending out grants and reviewing state registrations and filing our annual tax return. This morning we received our letter of Independent Financial Review regarding our operations. All good, but If you are interested in the details, you can download that review and letter here.

A couple of quick terms to help you understand it better.

1) What they refer to as "Club" in revenue is a donation category called our $100% club which is individual donations and sponsorships designed specifically for covering our expenses so that 100% of everyone else's donations could go directly to the kids. In years past we were blessed with First Insight and then Avanade to cover our overall expenses. For 2024, we do not have that single sponsor as of yet. Thankfully we brought forward a little over $12,000 from 2023 over our expenses to help lower those costs going into this year. If you or your company would like to donate to that or your company, you can do so by choosing 100% Club here as a normal donation.

2) You will notice a balance at the end of the year in assets/income. This is due to SuperSaturday happening in January. We get payments for sponsorships from SuperSaturday from August/September through February. Those funds are distributed in April/May of the following year after we receive reports on use of previous grants. More on those grants for 2024 can be found at the bottom of this newsletter.

This letter and any previous filings and where our new 990 will reside is at any time you would like to review. If you have any questions we are happy to answer those.

Thanks everyone!

Together we can make a HUGE Difference.

Greg, Vicki, Randy.