H o n d u r a s
Population: 8.2 Million
Total GDP: 18.32 Billion
GDP per person: $4,700
Orphans: 180,000
Latest News from RetailROI Honduras Projects & Trips
RetailROI helps the poor and vulnerable in Central Honduras with ongoing projects
Hello RetailROI supporters! We’d like to give you an update on the work RetailROI is doing in Central Honduras with one of our two partners there.
Today we will focus on our charity partner COMFE based in La Entrada Honduras. Our association with the leadership of COMFE began on the very first RetailROI Trip in 2011 and after many changes through the years we have kept in touch with the work of their leader, Elvin Cerna, as he supported the poorest of the poor families with food, clothing, health care, and education supplementation.
During our 2022 RetailROI trip we visited with Elvin as he distributed food and clothing to people who inhabited the land around the local garbage dump. These families had no means of support except to scrounge what they could as the garbage trucks delivered, truly living off the scraps of others for food, clothing, and shelter.
The RetailROI board and key Honduras supporters discussed how we could further support COMFE and in 2023 they applied for a small grant as seed money to begin a health clinic and food pantry on a donated lot in La Entrada to broaden their reach to the community.
During our 2023 visit RetailROI VPs Vicki Cantrell and Randy Cucerzan awarded the initial grant to COMFE Director Elvin Cerna as we visited the site of the future COMFE Center. Construction was started on the footings and foundation for the building in late 2023.
In 2024 a second grant was applied for by COMFE and awarded to continue the construction of the center and to supplement local donations that had been raised.
RetailROI is proud to share that in the coming months the building will be finished and will be utilized to help the local community. Thanks to your support RetailROI and COMFE will help better the lives of hundreds of families in Central Honduras with the new Health Clinic and Food Pantry!
Watch for more updates on our Honduras partner charities- next we’ll feature Casita Copan Children’s program. Join RetailROI on a trip in 2024 or 2025 so you can see firsthand the difference we ALL are making for vulnerable children worldwide!
We want to extend our gratitude to our friends at the Retail Orphan Initiative (Retail ROI) for their support and backing in the last few years. see more
Imagine a room buzzing with energy and ideas, excitement and nerves, a room full of budding entrepreneurs, all waiting for a turn to present their business ideas to a panel of retail industry leaders. see more
I have been encouraged for years to join a RetailROI trip, but never found the time. In the spirit of full disclosure, the idea of traipsing thru the jungle wasn’t that appealing to me, and it was pretty easy to not find the time. see more
There are many reasons to go on a RetailROI trip – to help others, to meet colleagues, to use your skills; but perhaps the most compelling reason? It’s “life-changing,” according to Michelle Schooff of SAP. see more
I’ve gone to SuperSaturday several times. I’ve heard the stories told by people who have been on a trip. How life changing these trips are. see more
My 17-year-old daughter, Sydnee, and I just returned from our third trip with the Retail Orphan Initiative to Plan Escalon, a school for orphans and at-risk students in Honduras. It’s hard to believe that each trip seems to be just a little better than the one prior to it. see more
Often charities work project to project, never knowing where the funding is going to come from and battling day to day priorities. see more
The Real Value of Retail: The Power of A Few to Help Many
As you read this post you may experience a slight feeling of sadness, perhaps a little joy, or even a sense of purpose. But one thing I guarantee; whatever your reaction is, it isn’t in the realm of what 35 executives and their families felt during a five day journey to the center of Latin America in mid-July.
Honduras Videos
1 Minute Video Update from Honduras
This is a quick video the folks put together from Casita Copans put together after a recent RetailROI Trip there. Recognize anyone???
Because of you
by Greg Buzek
Enjoy this video update from RetailROI partner Casita Copans. Your SuperSaturday donations have helped purchase a new home (casita) and a new computer lab.for education/tutoring. Thanks….
H o n d u r a s
Population: 8.2 Million
Total GDP: 18.32 Billion
GDP per person: $4,700
Orphans: 180,000
Latest News from RetailROI Honduras Projects & Trips
RetailROI helps the poor and vulnerable in Central Honduras with ongoing projects
Hello RetailROI supporters! We’d like to give you an update on the work RetailROI is doing in Central Honduras with one of our two partners there.
Today we will focus on our charity partner COMFE based in La Entrada Honduras. Our association with the leadership of COMFE began on the very first RetailROI Trip in 2011 and after many changes through the years we have kept in touch with the work of their leader, Elvin Cerna, as he supported the poorest of the poor families with food, clothing, health care, and education supplementation.
During our 2022 RetailROI trip we visited with Elvin as he distributed food and clothing to people who inhabited the land around the local garbage dump. These families had no means of support except to scrounge what they could as the garbage trucks delivered, truly living off the scraps of others for food, clothing, and shelter.
The RetailROI board and key Honduras supporters discussed how we could further support COMFE and in 2023 they applied for a small grant as seed money to begin a health clinic and food pantry on a donated lot in La Entrada to broaden their reach to the community.
During our 2023 visit RetailROI VPs Vicki Cantrell and Randy Cucerzan awarded the initial grant to COMFE Director Elvin Cerna as we visited the site of the future COMFE Center. Construction was started on the footings and foundation for the building in late 2023.
In 2024 a second grant was applied for by COMFE and awarded to continue the construction of the center and to supplement local donations that had been raised.
RetailROI is proud to share that in the coming months the building will be finished and will be utilized to help the local community. Thanks to your support RetailROI and COMFE will help better the lives of hundreds of families in Central Honduras with the new Health Clinic and Food Pantry!
Watch for more updates on our Honduras partner charities- next we’ll feature Casita Copan Children’s program. Join RetailROI on a trip in 2024 or 2025 so you can see firsthand the difference we ALL are making for vulnerable children worldwide!
We want to extend our gratitude to our friends at the Retail Orphan Initiative (Retail ROI) for their support and backing in the last few years. see more
Imagine a room buzzing with energy and ideas, excitement and nerves, a room full of budding entrepreneurs, all waiting for a turn to present their business ideas to a panel of retail industry leaders. see more
I have been encouraged for years to join a RetailROI trip, but never found the time. In the spirit of full disclosure, the idea of traipsing thru the jungle wasn’t that appealing to me, and it was pretty easy to not find the time. see more
There are many reasons to go on a RetailROI trip – to help others, to meet colleagues, to use your skills; but perhaps the most compelling reason? It’s “life-changing,” according to Michelle Schooff of SAP. see more
I’ve gone to SuperSaturday several times. I’ve heard the stories told by people who have been on a trip. How life changing these trips are. see more
My 17-year-old daughter, Sydnee, and I just returned from our third trip with the Retail Orphan Initiative to Plan Escalon, a school for orphans and at-risk students in Honduras. It’s hard to believe that each trip seems to be just a little better than the one prior to it. see more
Often charities work project to project, never knowing where the funding is going to come from and battling day to day priorities. see more
The Real Value of Retail: The Power of A Few to Help Many
As you read this post you may experience a slight feeling of sadness, perhaps a little joy, or even a sense of purpose. But one thing I guarantee; whatever your reaction is, it isn’t in the realm of what 35 executives and their families felt during a five day journey to the center of Latin America in mid-July.
Honduras Videos
1 Minute Video Update from Honduras
This is a quick video the folks put together from Casita Copans put together after a recent RetailROI Trip there. Recognize anyone???
Because of you
by Greg Buzek
Enjoy this video update from RetailROI partner Casita Copans. Your SuperSaturday donations have helped purchase a new home (casita) and a new computer lab.for education/tutoring. Thanks….