Special Needs Concierge for Families - new free tool

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Hey everyone, our friend Dave Krikac who brought us Devicesforautism.com has launched a new free AI chatbot to help families find special needs services in their communities. Please share. Here is more detail.


Hey Friends: I have been working this past year on a AI Powered “Special Needs Concierge” called Stella. It has been born from a need almost every parent of a special needs child has-How can I find answers and resources that I need that are specific to me.

Questions can be asked like “What is a special needs trust” “Where can I find a free wheelchair in Nashville TN”

What Dentists in Orlando FL are there that specialize in working with children that have special needs”

Any question that any parent might have. We launched in Tennessee initially -

NOW its time to throw a wider net to other states. This is where YOU come in.

If you know of parents that could use some help in answering questions they might have, send them to our website at www.thegearfoundation.org

This is NOT like Google - it gives you real answers from state sites and other resources and it is free and does NOT track information or allow ads or spam.

It is like your own concierge. Designed just to help and be a service.

Thanks Dave!!!!

Together we can make a HUGE difference!